Great Android Wear experiences are:
1.Launched automatically
3.All about suggest and demand
4.Zero or low interaction

Overall,you should make it timely, relevant , very specific ,fast, sharp, immediate ,helpful, respectful, responsive, gestural and simple.

About Design Principles
1.Focus on not stopping the user and all else will follow
The time required for each action on the left is 5 seconds.
2.Design for big gestures
Use few and large touch targets.
3.Think about stream cards first
An app that offers to check in users could appear in the stream suggesting the most likely place nearby, after a certain amount of time.
4.Do one thing, really fast
5.Design for the corner of the eye
6.Don’t be a constant shoulder tapper

All of this is for android wear,but most of it is not only suitable to android wear

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